This old John Deere Service manual has extensive information in particular for a Model B Tractor. The pages are dated 2/11/48, dating this book’s information to 1948. The table of contents lists the following information. Description and Specifications, Trouble shooting, Lubrication, tractor Tune Up and Adjustments, Engine, Governor and Fan shaft Assembly, Ignition System, Cooling System, Engine Lubrication System, Fuel System, Pulley, Clutch and Pulley Brake, Transmission (B201000 and Up) Transmission (B96000 to B201000), Differential and Final Drives, Differential Brakes, Wheels, Weights and Tires, Steering Mechanism, Pedestal and Front End, Powr-Trol and Power Lift, Drawbar and Seat, and last Electrical Equipment. There is detailed information and picture diagrams. Also in this manual there is a section titled, ‘Shop tools’, Valves and Seats, Electrical Equipment and Carburetors and Fuel Systems. What a wealth of important information if you were restoring an old Model B John Deere tractor, and remember this manual is a service manual for a John Deere dealer. The manual is identified on the back of the inside cover that the cover is a Buchan Style R-L Catalog Binder made by the Buchan Loose Leaf Records Company. There is also a John Deere Model B Series Tractor operator’s manual in this book which is a separate book. A SpeeCo Goden Line moldbord Plow assembly and operating Instructions pamphlet, a Wikomi Tandem Disc Harrow Model LD-14 Owner’s Guide’ and one sectional from the John Deere manual booklet that is identified on the tab as being for a 831 Industrial Loader. What a wealth of information and instructions. The book is missing it is missing sections 60,70,80,90,100, and 110.
John Deere Service Manual for Model B JD Tractor – 1948
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