
Antique Match Pair of Leaded Beveled Glass Windows – Several Jewels

Product #W335E

This is an exceptional match pair of leaded and beveled glass windows that feature a garland design with several green glass jewels featured in the draping garland. Note all the different textures of glass that have been used to make these windows. Also, note how the textures run both horizontally and vertically giving these windows even more beauty and uniqueness. Both of these window’s measure 49 1/2″ x 34 1/2″. The clear glass does let more sunlight in, however with all the textures in the glass it is not see through. This is a beautiful pair of windows that you will not want to miss adding to your own personal antique collections. These will look nice in any home or office. You could display these windows with the garland sway up or down either way will work.

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