
Antique Oil Painting Titled The Fool and the Swineherds by Nels Johnson

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Product #P263C

This is a signed painting by Nels Johnson and is dated 1927. This painting is titled, The Fool and the Swineherds’ and there is a wise statement below the title that reads, ‘I am King Arthur’s fool and whilst there are Haply Many in the World with no more wits than I possess yet there are few so honest as to confess that they are fools.’ This painting has details done in both the beauty of the painting and the thought-provoking statement. The measurements of the frame are 37 3/4″ wide by 20 1/4″ high. Don’t miss adding this wonderful painted story themed painting to your collection today.
Nels Johnson is listed in 2004 Davenports Listing of artists. Nels Johnson was from Aberdeen, South Dakota.

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