
Antique Bronze Lion and Lioness Statute – Signed G. Gardet Artist

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Product #M880

This is a touching and heartwarming bronze statue that features a lion and lioness in a protective yet loving pose of the lioness with her head tucked close to the chest of the protective lion. This grouping measures 13″ high is 15″ long by 9 1/4″ wide. Note that this statue isa signed by the artist, Georges Gardet (1863-1939).

Here are the highlights of his accomplishments and training. Born in Paris on 11 October 1863, Georges Gardet was the son of the sculptor Joseph Gardet and a pupil at the École des Beaux Arts under the tutelage of Aime Millet and Emmanuel Fremiet. Gardet showed a talent far superior to many of his contemporaries and became an eminent Animalier sculptor of the late 19th century. This is a touching statue of the lion and lioness that you will not want to miss adding to your own personal collection.

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