Mettlach Pottery Stein with the scene named Homecoming from the Tavern Etched Stein: e tched with a gnome, the keeper of the clock tower, on a ladder setting a clock; has a verse on it that reads;
“Rechter Hand, linker Hand, beides vertauscht;
Strasse, ich merk es wohl, du bist berauscht.”
(To the right, to the left, both are mixed up;
street, I am well aware of it, you are drunk.)
illustrationand signed by Heinrich Schlitt (1849-1923); has an inlaid lid. measures: 7 3/4″ height 3 1/2″ top diameter x 4″ bottom diameter. Marked Mettlach #2092, 1/2 Liter . Stein is in very good condition.